WRF-ARW V3.5.1
Kelton Halbert - Univerity of Oklahoma
Arctic and Antarctic Atmospheric Research Group (AAARG)
Initialization Time: 00Z
Runtime: 120 hours
Initialization Dataset: GFS 0.5 Deg. Global

The purpose of this model is to evaluate the performance of the WRF over the arctic region, specifically looking at the evolution and life cycles of tropopause polar vorticies (TPVs). Currently, the model gets its initial and boundary conditions from the GFS Global 0.5 degree grid provided by NCEP, with no additional data assimilation at this time. The model uses special namelist options optimized for the Arctic (such as the fractional seaice flag) to help it perform better. See the full namelist here.

Plots generated include data at the surface, on constant pressure levels, and the Dynamic Tropopause (2PVU). In addition to real-time plots, time-lagged verification statistics are generated on previous model runs using future initializations from the GFS as the "truth" datasets. The intention is to provide potentially useful information regarding systematic biases in the model.

For questions, comments, or concerns, contact information is as follows:
Kelton Halbert
University of Oklahoma - School of Meteorology
Arctic and Antarctic Atmospheric Research Group